Sunday 13 May 2012

Stage 4 Melanoma Responds to Salvestrols

Stage 4 Melanoma is a very advanced disease involving metastasis to the bones. Melanoma responds well to salvestrols because melanoma cells express high levels of the salvestrol activating enzyme CYP1B1. Here is an example of a person with stage 4 melanoma who responded to salvestrol therapy:

A 94-year-old woman was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma following a biopsy and this was badly affecting her foot. At the time of diagnosis she was unable to walk and black spots had appeared on her body. The melanoma was deemed to be inoperable. The surgeon and the patient's family agreed that the patient was unlikely to survive the treatment options of skin grafting, amputation and radiation. The family asked for alternative procedures and were told there were none. The patient was given a life expectancy of just two weeks and returned to her nursing home. The family was advised that if she lived longer than the two weeks she would require morphine to control the pain. The family did the research and started her on a regimen of using Salvestrol cream for her melanoma together with supplements. She took four salvestrol platinum (1,000 point) capsules per day, for seven months (4,000 points per day). The family also requested her nursing home serve an anti-inflammatory diet containing organic and wholesome foods. Contrary to expectation, no pain medication was ever required. After a few months, the melanoma was healing sufficiently that the patient was able to put some weight on her foot. The black spots that had appeared on her body stopped developing further and were contained. A few months later she began walking and was pushing her wheelchair rather than being pushed in it. A slow and steady progress was observed. After one year had elapsed the physician involved in her original diagnosis performed an examination. The melanoma was gone and her foot completely healed. She was deemed cancer free and it was noted that she had an extremely strong immune system. At the age of 95 this woman is enjoying walks with her friends.

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